Boys Basketball Games Page 1


These are the pictures of the boys beating Kohler here at home. We also have pictures of a new program we have implemented at Middle School home events. It is a student volunteer program, where students volunteer their time to perform certain functions, to help make things run more smoothly. We are proud of our students for stepping up and doing a great job in a school service program!  

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Coach Herzog inspects the warm-ups.

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Jason passes the ball in to Dave.



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Joe takes a shot; Jason looks to cover the rebound (just in case!).


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Eric takes a free throw.



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Danny takes a shot, while his teammates jockey for position on the possible rebound.

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Eric puts it up.


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Jason passes it in again.


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The girls show up for support.




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Although not sitting with the other girls, Allie, Jackie, and Stephanie support the guys, too!


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Kim and Caity show off their signs. Elliot appears to be checking Caity out.  I'm not sure why Jimmy and Cory wanted to  be in this picture, but they wouldn't leave until I took their picture. 


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While waiting for the Poms team to finish, Elliot gets into the music.

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Elliot can't help but dance to the beat!

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Now he's got Russ dancing, too! They're really gettin' into it!

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Music's over; time to sweep.

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As Russ and Elliot make the court safe again, Elliot shows support for the team.

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Most of our crew of volunteers for the Kohler game.


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Claire finally joins in the picture.



Here are a few pictures from the home victory against Ozaukee.

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David looks to pass.

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Matt and Jason take the ball down the court.

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David and Matt defend their basket.


These are the pictures taken during the tough battle with Howard's Grove.

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Danny sinks one. 



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Eric passes to keep the ball moving. 


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Jason (#45) makes his shot, but Jason (#55) and Ben come in to cover the rebound, just in case.

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Matt looks for a way around his man.


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Elliot once again gets down.

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Luke races to complete his job as efficiently as possible.

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Having the larger broom, Elliot takes his time.

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Sittin' with all those girls, Jeremy has reason to smile!!

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After a while, Jeremy doesn't look too happy. I shall refrain from comment on that one.  



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