Girls' Basketball Practice Shots


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The girls practice hard.

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"O.K., so what you need to do in this situation is - Jackie! Pay attention!"

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Clare & Allie take a time-out to proudly display the basketball.

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Jackie attacks Aimee.

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Jackie attempts to defend Kaylee's pass.

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Molly dribbles in.

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Goin' for the rebound.

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Molly runs for cover as Dani goes for the steal.

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"O.K. When your opponent does that - Jackie! PAY ATTENTION!!!!"

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Coach Schwabby  is pleased at the progress her girls are making.

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Aimee drives in against Molly.

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Coach Schwabby goes over strategy.

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The team focuses on the coach's words of wisdom.

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Molly passes over Clare as Amy rushes toward the ball.

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Jackie practices... for her career as a model.

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Jackie really should stop goofing around. Now she's even got Stephanie off task!


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