Game Pictures


Pictures courtesy of Mr. Dick!

Play1.jpg (43625 bytes)

It appears that Harleen is attempting to block Aimee's bump!


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Huddling up to form a new strategy.



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The ladies receive an incoming message.



Play3.jpg (20123 bytes)

The ladies are really good at standing around looking at each other.


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Our team is so big, we don't have enough chairs for everybody!!



Play2.jpg (14240 bytes)

More standing around and looking at each other. This time, they're looking at their opponents.


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Here's some action - but it appears to be out - of - bounds. Good for our team!!


Play4.jpg (17533 bytes)

Now they're ready for action!!!



Kayla.jpg (11952 bytes)

Kayla measures up the ball....

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...and powers up a great serve!!



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