
Our middle school wrestling program has a tradition of success, both to the wrestlers and coaches, and as a training grounds for the varsity program. We can attribute much of that credit to Coach Hatfield!

The Team

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Coach Hatfield lines up the troops.

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The 2002 - 2003 Middle School Wrestling Team

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Another Team shot.



Practice Picture

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Steve gets ready to obliterate Blake.


Meet Pictures

March 11th

Thank you to Cassie Paulus and Katie Ansay for these pictures!

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Austin takes control of his opponent.


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Jon gets the upper hand.


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Jon attempts to roll his man over.



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I really don't know what  Jon is doing here. 



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Steve and Eric square off...


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...the two begin to grapple...


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...Eric gave Steve a bloody nose, and Steve didn't like that. Steve let his displeasure show.


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"Eric, don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry!"



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Having had enough of this, Eric seeks protection behind the referee.


April 3, 2003

I was only able to identify our wrestlers in two photos. I did, however, discover how to take short videos that night!

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Jon just about has his opponent finished.

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Matt appears to be in control - and he was!

Click here to see the Wrestling Videos!



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